
    來源: 今日熱點網2024-04-24 09:46:27



    On April 23rd,CHINAPLAS 2024 kicked off at NationalConvention and Exhibition Centre(Shanghai) as sched-uled. After an absence of six years with the East China,and as the global economy continues to recover, CHlNA-PLAS2024 is highly expected by the global rubber andplastics industry.


    The rubber and plastics industry is undergoing rapidtechnological advancements and expanding its applica-tions in depth.As an industry expert in the chemicalsupply chain, Milkway will provide supply chain solutionstailored to the industry's evolving productivity, creatingnew driving forces for high-quality development in therubber and plastics industry from the perspective of thesupply chain.


    Milkyway has attended the exhibitions for multipletimes. And for this time, the company's booth is locatedat Hall 2.2-Booth K134. From now on to 26th, we wilbring efficient, professional and safe supply chainone-stop solutions for exhibitors and visitors from alover the world. At the exhibition site, industry partnersstayed in our booth to discuss logistics issues and classiccases in the field of rubber and plastics with Milkyway'ssales elite. Milkyway will use its own abilities and layoutto make the supply chain play an important role in help-ing the high-quality development of the industry.

    獲取更多展會及業務詳情,添加官方客服-Milkyway小密書,1V1實時溝通,服務直達!To get more details about the exhibition and businessplease add our official customer service- MilkywayXiaomishu for 1V1 real-time communication and direct service.


    股票代碼 SH.603713


    About us


    Since establishment in 1998, Milkyway Chemical SupplyChain Service Co., Ltd. has always focused on safer andmore efficient operation of chemical supply chain. Withstrong strength,professional team, scientific system andsound network,we provide customers with globaone-stop logistics and trading full supply chain services.including international logistics one-stop service do-mestic logistics one-stop service, special logisticsone-stop service, chemical trading platform.We careabout health of employees and also focus the society re-sponsibility and development sustainability. Milkywaywill continuously strive to be the specialist of the globasupply chains of chemical and new energy.






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