
    來源: 今日熱點網2023-12-08 16:16:43

    The wholly-owned subsidiary of Milkyway Group-

    Nanjing Empire Forever Chemical Co., Ltd. has moved to a new location.


    Since its establishment in 1998, Milkyway Chemical Supply Chain Services Co., Ltd. has been focusing on safer and more efficient operation of the chemical supply chain. With powerful strength, professional teams, scientific systems and a sound network, Milkyway is able to provide our customers with one-stop logistics supply chain solutions such as freight forwarding, warehousing and transportation, and supply chain management on global scale.


    Nanjing Empire Forever Chemical Co., Ltd is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Milkyway Chemical Supply Chain Services Co., Ltd. which makes use of Milkyway Group's strong chemical logistics delivery capabilities, management systems and comprehensive resources to continuously increase the construction and investment in market expansion and application technology service capabilities, and further improve its advantages in the distribution field of domestic special chemicals and special materials. After years of development, Nanjing Empire Forever Chemical Co., Ltd. has become the main distributor of many leading foreign chemical enterprises in China, including Dow, DuPont, Tosoh, etc. Its business fields cover silicones, engineering plastics, polyurethane, etc. It focuses on the distribution of special chemicals and technical solutions, and distributes more than 500 kinds of products, mainly involved are: automobiles, industrial electronics, consumer electronics, release and pressure-sensitive adhesives, textile leather, consumer goods, new energy, industrial applications, etc. Especially in the field of new energy business development, providing a variety of products and technical solutions.


    In order to provide better services for our customers, Nanjing Empire Forever Chemical Co., Ltd. have officially relocated to its new office on December 9th 2023.




    New Office Address: No.1 Chuangzhi Road, Beiwei International Floor 13F Building B,Jianye District, Nanjing,China

    Postal Code: 210000

    Service Hotline: 400-151-0202


    Please update the contact address and the contact information. We will continue to create the ultimate service and improve customer experience. Sincerely appreciate our leaders, customers, and partners who have provided strong supports us for a long time. We hope to work and win the future together!






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