2023 Clariant | Milkyway Joint Logistics Emergency Drill
Recently, Milkyway and Clariant successfully held a special emergency response drill for Leakage of dangerous goods during road transportation at the Milkyway Lingang warehouse.
Mr. Ge Hanbing, General Manager of Milkyway Warehouse Business Unit, delivered a speech on behalf of Milkway :"This is an excellent opportunity to show Clariant and the industry the strength of Milkway in emergency response and rescue. Clariant pays attention to safety and has a sense of social responsibility. It is also one of the few companies that has proposed to conduct joint drills with us. Through this drill, I believe it can provide guidance for emergency response in the future when both parties encounter unexpected situations in the process of business development.
Milkway on-site presentation introduced the emergency equipment standard for dangerous goods transportation vehicles, including professional emergency rescue equipment, tools, and materials. The simulation of the quick response and accurate reporting of the drivers to unexpected incidents, local treatment, vehicle transfer, and professional handling of the emergency rescue team was a standard operation that provided a wonderful and professional emergency response for Clariant.
“首先,非常感謝中國運輸安全團隊與物流團隊共同發起這次物流應急演練,這是我們中國區第一次邀請我們的物流服務供應商參加此類活動,與我們共同開展應急演練將有助于我們的物流服務供應商在年度安全培訓的基礎上,更好地了解運輸安全的要求。”科萊恩亞太區GBS物流負責人Serena Guo女士表示,“這表明,可持續發展和責任關懷始終是我們日常運營的DNA。這將在科萊恩和物流服務提供商之間,在中國物流領域安全(運輸和倉儲)上建立起強有力的支持和協作。”
“First of all, thanks a lot for the Transport Safety team China initiated the Logistics Emergency Drill together with logistics team, it is the first time that we also invited with our Logistics Service Providers to participate the event in China, it will help our Logistics Service Providers better understand the requirement on transport safety by working together with us on this emergency drill on top of the annual safety training.” said Serena Guo, Clariant GBS Logistics Operations Lead, APAC, ”It shows that sustainability and responsible care is always our DNA in our daily operations. It will build up the strong support and coordination between Clariant and Logistics Service Providers on the safety in logistics areas (transportation and storage) in China.”
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