2023 Milkyway Cadre Zijin Training
Successfully Concluded
How can the lone eagle fly high if he does not shed his feathers? How can the dragon reach the blue sky if he does not shed his skin?
It takes a lifetime to succeed, but only a thought to fail. Milkywayers all know the reason, so since Milkyway’s establishment 25 years ago, despite some achievements with ups and downs, we still feel like walking on the thin ice all the way and did not dare to slack off, and the sense of crisis is deep in the bone marrow. In the face of unprecedented changes, we have responded in an orderly manner, transformed in growth, and sought answers in breakthroughs. The 2023 Zijin Training was held as scheduled and ended successfully on October 7.
Mortals fear the effect, Bodhisattvas
fear the cause.Through the abstersion
and extraction of the great changes,
we see more room and opportunities for
self-growth and self-cultivation
from results to causes.
Chairman Mr. Andy Chen, gave lectures on “Organizational Form and Foundation of Evergreen”, “Strategic Understanding and Strategy Formulation”, and “Stepping on the Management Post”. He analyzed the underlying logic and path diagram of Evergreen Foundation of Evergreen, expounded the company’s strategic goals, positioning and rhythm, and clarified how to become an excellent Milkyway cadre. Everyone is very important to the overall situation, and everyone’s efforts are very important to the result.
The biggest opponent is always yourself.
We learn to be brave in our hesitation,
and create hope out of insecurities.
In the course “Stepping into a Management Position”, four outstanding cadres of the group were specially invited to share and review with students on the themes of “How to grow into an excellent department manager”, “How to temper a general manager” and “How to iterate into a VP”.
In the face-to-face session with industry experts, Mr. Wu and Mr. Zhu answered the questions raised by each group on macroeconomic trends, industry prospects, future supply chain development pattern, leadership and other aspects.
As a senior lecturer of the Zijin course, vice president Ms. Ding Huiya, taught courses including the organizational structure and operation principle, methodology, etc. Through workshops and situational dramas, conflict management and effective communication were integrated and co-created to provide students with an immersive course experience.
In addition, lecturers from various sectors of Milkyway shared courses on intellectual management system, planning, security and technology, finance and personnel, management tools, etc., systematically sorted out the principles and knowledge of enterprise operation, and helped new cadres understand the essence of company system management.
We learn to seek change in the midst of uncertainty and stability.
Stability, like an eagle, builds nests in a cliff and waits for the right timing. Change is to subvert itself from inside to outside and return to the sky.
original intention of the entire course system can be carried out, so that students can better understand the control role of the 13 elements of the intelligent management system in the whole process of “organization preparation → organization operation → organization output”.
As a special inheritance of Milkyway, participants also learned Chen's Tai Chi in spare time, combining work and rest to adjust their body and mind, and finally conducted a report performance in the form of a group.
Tiger-silent Academy
Tigersilent Academy is the corporate university of Milkyway. Based on the concept of “training is investing in the future”, we continue to build a learning organization, considering that training for enterprises is the same as education for the country.
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