Undertaken by Milkyway, the Transportation Emergency Response Comprehensive Drill of Shanghai Pudong Hazardous Goods Transportation Industry Concluded Successfully
On October 20, 2023, the Shanghai Pudong New Area Road Transportation Industry Development Center, hosted the Shanghai Pudong New Area Hazardous Goods Transportation Industry Emergency Response Comprehensive Drill, undertaken by Shanghai Milkway Chemical Logistics Co., Ltd. at No. 1088 Tongfa Road, Nanhui Base. The event received strong support and assistance from the co-organizers, including Shanghai Pudong New Area Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment, Shanghai Pudong New Area Laogang Fire Rescue Station, Shanghai Pudong New Area Medical Emergency Center, Shanghai Road Hazardous Goods Transportation Industry Association, Pudong New Area Emergency Management Bureau, and Milkway Nanhui Base. The drill was a complete success!
The sound of sirens echoed in the sky as the rain stopped and the wind blew.On October 20th, at the Milkyway Group's Nanhui Logistics Base, the sound of "Reporting to the commanding officer, the drill team has assembled and is awaiting instructions" resonated, as we reviewed the well-organized and orderly queue of vehicles and personnel, feeling the tense and orderly atmosphere of the scene.
More than 80 units and nearly 200 people from the hazardous goods logistics and transportation industry in Shanghai watched the drill. A total of 9 special and dedicated vehicles, including fire engines, police wagons, ambulances, emergency command vehicles, and hazardous waste recovery vehicles, were deployed for the drill.
The scenario of this drill was that a 25-ton heavy tanker carrying flammable and explosive materials (with methanol as the transport medium) was traveling on the road. Due to a sudden emergency, the driver applied emergency braking, but was rear-ended by a general-cargo van, resulting in slight damage to the heavy tanker's tank body and leakage of methanol. The driver of the rear vehicle suffered serious head injuries and a series of emergency rescues unfolded at random.
The driving and escort personnel of the drill unit strictly followed the emergency plan for the classification of goods and handled the scene in advance. They reported to the 110 alarm center and Milkyway emergency rescue command headquarters. After receiving the report, the emergency rescue command headquarters immediately launched the emergency plan, reported to the industry authorities within 10 minutes of orally report and 30 minutes of written report, collaborated with public security, fire protection, and medical rescue units to carry out emergency treatment, and first-time medical treatment was provided to the injured. At the same time, the accident vehicle was isolated by cofferdam, the leakage concentration at the scene was diluted with fire water curtain. Milkyway emergency rescue team used sealing method to successfully block the tank body‘s broken place, and the leaked goods were collected and transported away by dangerous waste vehicle. After professional handling, the relevant concentration and environmental level at the scene were up to standard. The emergency command vehicle escorted the accident vehicle to the nearest hazardous goods base for further treatment. The public security command lifted the on-site guard and restored road traffic.
上海市交通委專家 蔡建榮表示:
上海市浦東新區建設和交通委員會 應哲琛表示:
The drill received recognition and encouragement from the expert of Shanghai Municipal Transport Committee , the Director of Pudong New Area Construction and Transportation Committee , and the leaders from Pudong New Area Road Transport Development Center.
Transport Committee expert Cai Jianrong: The preparation for this drill was comprehensive, with the environmental setup, equipment configuration, and personnel arrangement all well-planned. All participants were in good spirits and met the demands of real-life situations. This was a successful and splendid drill.
Ying Zhechen from the Pudong New Area Construction and Transportation Committee emphasized that throughout the drill, all participants enthusiastically engaged, executing seamlessly as a team, showcasing their resolute attitude and professional expertise. There were three key outcomes gained from the drill: firstly, we were able to refine and improve our emergency response plans through practical simulations, ensuring they were better aligned with real-world situations and more operationally feasible; secondly, the drill enhanced the technical skills and collaborative abilities of our emergency rescue teams, further improving the efficiencies of emergency management and rescue; and lastly, it fostered greater coordination and cooperation with relevant authorities, establishing a framework for collaborative action.
Through simulated exercises, the drill tested the practicality of the emergency response plans of the road hazardous goods transportation industry in the Pudong New Area, with a focus on key and backbone enterprises' safety production. In particular, it tested the rapid response, coordinated command, organization, and emergency rescue capabilities of emergency rescue teams in response to dangerous goods transportation emergencies. It also tested the level of integration and coordination among the industry supervisory authorities, public security agencies, fire rescue agencies, medical rescue units, and enterprise emergency forces.
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