
    來源: 同花順財經2023-09-01 11:18:50

    Develop Chip and Semiconductor Business, Tianjin Xiqing Hazardous Chemical Logistics Base Put into Production


    The Tianjin Chip and Semiconductor Specialized Hazardous Warehouse, built by Milkyway Group, was officially put into operation recently, marking another solid step in Milkyway’s layout in North China. Milkyway continues to strengthen the chip and semiconductor industry’s foundation and expands North China’s integration-center layout.


    An Introduction to Tianjin Xiqing Hazardous Chemical Base

    基地位于天津市西青區王穩莊鎮大泊村北盛強道2號,毗鄰天津港、天津機場,榮烏高速,位置得天獨厚,是集進出口陸空運交通功能協同一體化區域,并建有氫氣槽罐車專用停車場,進出口集裝箱裝拆箱中轉、堆場、配送等一體化化工供應鏈服務,倉儲資質品類齊全(2/3/4/5/6/8/9類)。倉庫建筑面積:12678㎡,其中甲類倉庫:6672㎡ 乙類倉庫:6000㎡。

    Located at No.2 Shengqiang , North Dabo Village, Wangwenzhuang Town, Xiqing District, Tianjin City, the base is adjacent to Tianjin Port, Tianjin Binhai International Airport and Rongcheng-Wuhai Expressway. With a unique location, it is an area of synergistic integration of transportation functions including import and export as well as land and air transport, and there is also a specialized parking lot for hydrogen tankers. The base provides integrated chemical supply chain services including FCL and LCL of import and export containers, transfer, container yard and distribution, etc. and owns a full range of warehousing qualifications (categories 2/3/4/5/6/8/9). It covers an area of 12678m2 with 6672 m2 Class A warehouse and 6000m2 Class B warehouse.


    Featured Services


    Chip and semiconductor (gas) warehouse: Tianjin Xiqing Hazardous Chemical Base undertakes the critical role of warehousing and transporting special hazardous chemicals for national strategic and pilot industries such as integrated circuit manufacturing, compound semiconductor manufacturing, and fiber optic manufacturing, etc. It provides supporting services for the chip and semiconductor industry enterprises in north China, and helps Tianjin build a world-class semiconductor integrated circuit industry cluster.


    Hazardous goods cold and constant temperature warehouse: Tianjin Xiqing Hazardous Chemical Base provides multi-category warehousing services for Class A and B hazardous goods (constant, low and cold temperature).


    A speech given by the VP of Milkyway Group—Ms. Rachel Miao


    Milkway Tianjin Xiqing Warehouse will be built as Milkway’s first professional hazardous chemicals logistics base of integrated circuit semiconductors around China, helping the northern region to build a world-class semiconductor integrated circuit industry cluster. We will deeply plow in the business development layout of integrated warehouse and distribution, comprehensively improve the efficiency of warehouse and distribution operations, reduce costs and provide one-stop chemicals logistics services for the customers. Congratulations to Milkway Tianjin Xiqing Warehouse on its grand opening and we wish to witness the everlasting performance. Thank you very much!

    關于密爾克衛 | About Milkyway


    Milkway Chemical Supply Chain Service Co., Ltd. is an enterprise listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 603713), providing integrated services of chemicals trade with distribution, freight forwarding, warehousing and transportation as the core. Since its establishment, Milkyway has been insisting on plowing and cultivating in the main channel and has always been committed to providing customers with one-stop full supply chain solutions of chemicals on a global scale.





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