聚焦新能源,“鏈”接上下游 | 密爾克衛參展NEAS CHINA 2023

    來源: 財訊網 2023-08-12 22:08:33

    Focusing on the New Energy, "Supply Chain" Connecting Upstream and Downstream Industries | Milkyway Exhibits at NEAS CHINA 2023

    火熱8月,NEAS CHINA 2023在上海新國際博覽中心舉行。NEAS CHINA作為新能源汽車技術與供應鏈行業的國際性專業性展會,吸引了來自全球各地的展商及專業參觀團。

    In August, NEAS CHINA 2023 was held in Shanghai New International Expo Center. NEAS CHINA, as an international professional exhibition in the new energy vehicle technology and supply chain industry, has attracted exhibitors and professional visiting groups from all over the world.


    At the exhibition, booth N3B196 of Milkyway attracted numerous domestic and foreign merchants to visit. The company's elite sales team discussed business cooperation with visiting merchants and won the trust of on-site customers with professional and personalized logistics solutions, proposing the cooperation intentions.


    Milkyway has always been aiming at helping the global chemical and new energy industry to operate efficiently in the supply chain. This exhibition is also the second international new energy industry exhibition attended by the company after CIBF Shenzhen International Battery Exhibition this year. With 25 years of industry experience, we will continue to be committed to linking the upstream and downstream industries of new energy to enable the development of the industry.


    From August 5th to 6th, the exhibition will continue, and Milkyway sincerely invites you to visit and negotiate on site, jointly exploring the unlimited possibilities of the new energy industry.


    New energy product logistics solutions






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