堅持長期主義,專注艱難而有意義的事 | 密爾克衛職業培訓學校A2駕培業務正式開班

    來源: 今日熱點網2023-07-04 14:56:18

    Adhere to long-termism, Focus on the hard but meaningful things | The A2 driving training class of Milkyway Vocational Training School was officially opened


    On June 28th, 2023, the opening ceremony of the Milkyway Vocational Training School “A2 Tractor Driving License Training” (hereinafter referred to as “A2 Driving Training”) of Milkyway Group was held at the Baohua Logistics Base in Zhenjiang City. The opening and operation of A2 driver training mark a further step toward achieving self-building industrial workers.The representatives who attended the opening ceremony were the general manager of North China Cargo Freight and Container Transportation BU—Mr. Xiao Yin, the general manager of Central China Cargo Freight and Container Transportation BU—Mr. Guangjie Sun and the deputy general manager—Mr. Jingxin Yao, the dean of Tiger-silent Academy—Ms. Xiaoqing Zhu, as well as partial faculties and students of the training school.


    Having been deeply ingrained in the chemical new energy supply chain industry for 25 years, Milkyway Group is committed to becoming the super chemical Amazon. Given the circumstances that there is a shortage in the industrial worker market which has prevented the rapid development of the Group, it is of certain strategic significance to build our own industrial workers, and it is also one of the four major capabilities of infrastructure construction in the Groups strategic decomposition chart. The launch of A2 driving training can provide an important guarantee for the effective implementation of this strategy and constantly promote the fulfillment of the corporate mission—“Make society safer and supply chain more efficient”.


    From the introduction of teachers and vehicle qualification records to the construction and acceptance inspection of the training field, the A2 driver training classes took more than 13 months to be approved to start finally. In the face of many difficulties and layers of approvals, we have always been committed to long-termism and believe that focusing on the hard things is more rewarding. The school owns the most A2 coach vehicles in Zhenjiang and a number of senior coaches with more than 10-year teaching experience. Furthermore, it has also invested a massive sum in building an A2 training site according to the highest national standard and all 14 examination items are electronic. Highly recognized by the local government, the training site will be the first A2 electronic examination site in Zhenjiang City. The school will always be run with high and strict standards to ensure students’ comprehensive and systematic training and guarantee teaching quality to contribute to the safe transportation of hazardous chemicals!


    Upon graduating with certificates, students will be preferentially assigned to work in Milkyway Group (on a national scale). In the meantime, the school will also open up and provide talent to the whole society, realizing a seamless transition between learning and employment. The Milkyway Vocational Training School is confident of strengthening the training capacity continuously. Adhere to long-termism, self-built industrial workers. The best is yet to come; go for it!


    About us


    Zhenjiang Milkyway Vocational Training School Co., Ltd. officially opened at Zhenjiang Baohua Logistics Base on December 28th, 2021. It is the first vocational skills training school founded by Milkyway Group, aiming to foster front-line workers, including drivers, forklift workers, warehouse keepers, repairers and compound workers, etc. The school also opens all resources to society and cultivates high-quality modern workers with excellent character and professional skills.





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