
    來源: 實況網2023-06-20 09:30:10

    Compounding and Laboratory capabilities have been steadily improved,on basis of the acquisition of Guangzhou Powhee


    Recently, Milkyway completed the M&A of Powhee Resin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guangzhou Powhee) which marked the further consolidation of Milkyway’s value-added service capability in chemical compounding and distribution, and continuous strengthening of laboratory R&D and application abilities.


    Established in 2007, Guangzhou Powhee shows deep strength in advanced performance chemicals. It has set up a joint laboratory with South China University of Technology Advanced Coatings and Polymer Research Center, the top technical team in China. With water-based resin as the main research target, the laboratory has developed a number of water-based resins and additives, which have been put into production and are highly praised by the customers. In addition to the self-produced ones, Guangzhou Powhee is also authorized to the agency of Allnex’s amino, acrylate and additives, TOYO’s aluminum silver paste, NKK’s pearl powder and weatherproof fluorescent powder and Taiwan nano colorant, building a bridge between the worldwide outstanding products and domestic boomimg demand.


    Mr. Sai PENG, vice president of Milkyway, stated “We warmly welcome Guangzhou Powhee to join our distribution matrix. This acquisition has a strong synergy effect, improving our layout in compounding and labs, enhancing our ability to provide customized products to our customers, and also allowing Milkyway to lay out innovative fields such as new energy automotive coatings and specialty inks. Wish Guangzhou Powhee a brilliant performance and continuous growth!”


    In the future, based on the existing supply chain services, Milkyway will absorb new chemical categories, develop markets, expand customer networks and optimize resource allocation, while improving the strategic layout of chemical trade; based on the ability of integration of material and trade, the one-stop sustainable empowerment for the chemical supply chain industry.










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