deepening the global freight forwarding business in North China
Recently, Milkyway signed an equity transfer agreement with former shareholders of Kwise International Logistics (Shandong) Co., Ltd. ("Kwise Logistics"), and officially gained the control right of Kwise Logistics considering the shares acquired in the secondary market. This trading will significantly strengthen Milkyway’s ‘freight agency services in the North China and Bohai Rim regions.
Kwise Logistics was established in 2003 and has been engaged in global freight forwarding business for more than 20 years. Based in Qingdao, the company utilizes the port advantages of North China and achieves business coverage worldwide with branch offices in important ports such as Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, with approximately 150 staffs. Annual revenue of RMB 1.1 billion in 2022.
Its main advantage lies in the US-Canada route, which is the booking agent of famous ship owners including ONE/WHL/MSK. Kwise Logistics also holds a first-class freight forwarding certificate issued by the Ministry of Commerce, registration certificate for NVOCCMOC-NV04139 issued by the Ministry of Transportation, and qualifications of FMC registration of the United States Federal Maritime Commission. It is the only representative member of international logistics organizations such as CQR/IFLN/WFG in the Qingdao area, the core member of the international project logistics organization OPCA, and the first-class agent for international air transportation sales CATA-HD30345.
在未來運營中,將充分發揮“MW+”的優勢,通過數智化管理升級以及全國的交付網絡共享,為開瑞物流全方位賦能,不僅實現傳統優勢航線上的穩定增長, 同時,抓住東南亞市場增長勢頭,加大航線投入與布局,深耕SOC業務,發揮口岸協同優勢,深耕高附加值客戶,進而實現穩健增長!
In future operations, Milkyway will fully leverage the advantages of "MW+" to upgrade management through digitalization and to share its delivery network advantage to empower Kwise Logistics comprehensively. The combination will strengthen Milkyway in the growth of existed advantageous routes, seizing the growth momentum in the Southeast Asian market, increasing investment in routes and layout, deepening SOC business, leveraging port synergy advantages, cultivating high-value-added customers, and thus achieve steady growth!
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