0elem awarded the Ttier One agent of Thermo Fisher Scientific
In April 21st, the e-commerce platform of Milkyway, 0elem obtained the tier one authorized distribution certification of Thermo Fisher Scientific. This certification is a milestone achievement for 0elem in the course of becoming, a one-stop Research and Development supply platform.
本次靈元素科研商城獲得授權的產(chǎn)品線為:Fisher Chemical、Acors Organics、Maybridge、Alfa Aesar。產(chǎn)品SKU超19萬,可覆蓋絕大部分科研使用場景。
The authorized product lines of 0elem are: Fisher Chemical, Acors Organics, Maybridge, and Alfa Aesar. The SKU would exceed more than 190K, which can cover most R&D customers demand.
Becoming the Tier One agent of Thermo Fisher Scientific will further improve 0elem’s SKU numbers and enable 0elem to provide more high-quality, cost-effective customized laboratory solutions.
Currently, 0elem has formed six product categories, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical research and development, reference materials/standards, laboratory consumables and instruments, high purity chromatographic solvent, and biological preparation, which can cover over 99% of R&D customers’demands. The expertise of 0elem will also provide customers with optimal product solutions according to individual R&D scenarios.
Tackling customers’pain points such as long procurement lists, miscellaneous procurement categories, strengthened transportation restrictions, and high expertise barriers in the field of R&D procurement, 0elem platform owns three solid strengths : e-commerce platform, industry expert team that has been deeply engaged in the field of R&D supplies for over a decade, and Milkyway’s self-owned wareshouses and fleets bringing a one-stop service .0elem specializes in serving customers such as university research groups, enterprise research and development departments, testing institutions, a variety of laboratories, and CRO institutions. It is committed to bringing a overt, trustworthy, convenient, and agile service to pave the way for customers’R&D complexed demands.
About Thermo Fisher Scientific
賽默飛世爾科技公司(Thermo Fisher Scientific)是全球科學服務領域的領導者(紐約證交所代碼:TMO),致力于幫助客戶,使世界更健康,更清潔,更安全。公司幫助客戶解決在分析化學領域,從常規(guī)的測試到復雜的研發(fā)項目中所遇到的各種挑戰(zhàn)。努力為客戶提供最為便捷的采購方案。為科研的飛速發(fā)展不斷地改進工藝技術,提升客戶價值。幫助股東提高收益,為員工創(chuàng)造良好的發(fā)展空間。
Thermo Fisher Scientific is a leader in providing global science services (NYSE: TMO). It is committed to helping their customers make the world healthier, cleaner, and safer. The company helps customers to solve various challenges in the field of analytical chemistry, from routine testing to complex research and development projects. Striving to provide customers with the most convenient procurement solutions. Continuously improve its technology and enhance customer value for the rapid development of scientific research. Helping shareholders to improve their earnings and creating good development path for their employees.
About 0elem
0elem is sub-brand of Milkyway(stock code: 603713) , which is an integrated platform of chemical & industrial products trading and logistics. 0elem offers one-stop procurement and marketing services for the essential chemistry, reagent consumables, and various ingredients.
0elem also has had in-depth cooperation with many large domestic and oversea multinational manufacturers, using the direct supply mode to serve end users, while planting on Milkyway’s outstanding supply chain network and intelligent management system, we can provide faster and high quality customer experience service across China.
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