Call of Duty, Excellence Attracts Excellence | CEO Program Goes Ahead, Open Days for Fudan University and East China University of Science and Technology Came to A Successful Conclusion
只為社會更安全 供應鏈更高效
基業長青 使命召喚
25-year hard work and perseverance
for a safer society and a more efficient supply chain.
Build to last. Calling of duty.
Milkyway starts the journey of searching for successors……
Second Stop: School of Management, Fudan University & School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology
Followed by the visit of CEIBS, Milkyway recently welcomed the faculty and students from the School of Management (together with the School of Philosophy), Fudan University and School of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, unfolding the long-awaited Open Days with all attendees.
Faculty and Students of Fudan University
Faculty and Students of East China University of Science and Technology
During the two visit activities, the Director and Vice President of Milkyway—Ms. Huiya DING introduced the corporate business overview, future plans and strategies to all present students and teachers. She also answered students’ concerning questions including the corporate development and the implementation of the CEO Program, etc. Moreover, the Dean of Tiger-Silent Academy—Ms. Xiaoqing ZHU also introduced the Management Trainee (CEO Program) and the Milkyway Group’s training system.
All attendees were also invited for field visits. They first came to the headquarter of Milkyway Group located at Jinqiao, Pudong New Area, Shanghai. At the first-floor exhibition hall, the faculty and students gained an intuitive understanding of Milkyway’s business, safety management as well as scientific and technological innovation by watching the ASM intelligent monitoring and control system independently developed by Milkyway Group.
The second stop was for the supply chain integration logistics base in Nanhui, Pudong New Area, where they took a field trip to the professional hazardous chemical warehouse and tank yard operation area established by Milkyway.
交流中,兩所高校領導的發言,也給了我們莫大的鼓舞。復旦大學管理學院職業發展中心 曹能主任提到,“對于全日制MBA學生未來就業的方向,建議是去實業,但是必須是有科技創新、有技術打底的實業,就像密爾克衛的科技創新技術是馬上用于業務環節,無縫對接業務,這就是一個企業能高效運轉的優勢。同時公司處于高速發展期,可以給MBA學生快速成長的機會。”
The speeches given by the leaders of these two universities also gave us great encouragement. Director Mr. Neng CAO of Career Development Center of School of Management, Fudan University stated “In terms of the employment direction of full-time MBA students, industrial corporation is highly recommended and the corporation should be based on scientific and technological innovation as well as real technologies. Milkyway’s innovation technologies are immediately applied to business links and seamlessly connect to the business part which is a great advantage for its efficient operation. Corporations which are in a period of rapid development can provide MBA students opportunities for rapid growth.
華東理工大學 黨委研究生工作部 孫洪鋒部長也對校企合作提出期許,他說到,“通過今天的參訪,我們發現密爾克衛三大基因(“科創、安全、奮斗”)其實和華理研究生的培養理念不謀而合,希望通過CEO計劃可以誕生更多的企業家人才,也期待我們的校企合作通過開放日活動可以更加走深走實。”
The Director of Party Committee Graduate Student Department of East China University of Science and Technology—Mr. Hongfeng SUN said, “We have learned the three genes (Science and Innovation, Safety, Striving) of Milkyway through today’s visit and it actually coincide with the cultivation philosophy of our graduate students. I hope that more entrepreneurial talents will born through the CEO program and also expect that the school-enterprise cooperation can be strengthened and practical through the Open Day activity.”
Believe due to affection. Milkyway has been deeply engaged in the chemical new energy supply chain industry for 25 years and insists on safety and technological innovation. We strive to be the serene alp of the global chemical new energy supply chain industry!
Looking forward to having you join us. We are here waiting for you!
An Introduction to the Milkyway Management Trainee (CEO Program) Project
The CEO Program is an important part of Milkyway’s talent development strategy and plans to recruit highly mannered and competent MTs from major universities in Shanghai. All recruited MTs will be mainly guided and led by the founder and chairman Mr. Yinhe CHEN, together with the members of group directors and supervisors core level as well as the general managers of operating BUs. A series of work shifts, projects, comprehensive training and potential development practices will be provided for the MTs which can help them make rapid progress, be qualified for taking vital responsibilities at the management layer and eventually take up the CEO positions in the near future.
We believe “The best thing in the world is to create a great, rather than join a great!” If you are interested in joining the CEO Program, please feel free to send your resume to the email address:
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