
    來源: 實況網2023-04-06 15:38:06

    0elem award the authorization of bidepharm


    On April 1st, the e-commerce platform of Milkyway, 0elem, obtained the authorized distribution certification of bidepharm. It means 0elem is highly recognized by the industry, and the products SKU is constantly being refined.


    Bidepharm concentrates on the front end of Pharmaceutical R&D, provides services in critical segments of Pharmaceutical R&D like drug target's discovery, Hit screening, Lead discovery, Lead synthesizing and optimizing, Candidate discovery. Bidepharm also supplies various kinds of products with novel stucture, diversity function to users like drug molecular block and reagents to users. While products are widely used in various research&production fields like life science/organic chemistry/materials science/analytical chemistry and so on, bidepharm is highly recognized by the industry.


    Currently, 0elem has formed six product categories, analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical research and development, reference materials/standards, laboratory consumables and instruments, high-purity chromatographic solvent, and biological preparation, which can cover over 99% of R&D customers’demands. The expertise of 0elem will also provide customers with optimal product solutions according to individual R&D scenarios.


    About 0elem


    0elem is sub-brand of Milkyway Chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd. (A share stock code: 603713) ., which is an integrated platform of chemical & industrial products trading and logistics. 0elem offers one-stop procurement and marketing services for the essential chemistry, reagent consumables, and latest ingredients.

    0elem also has had in-depth cooperation with many large domestic and oversea multinational manufacturers, using the direct supply mode to serve end users, while planting on Milkyway’s outstanding supply chain network and intelligent management system, we can provide faster and high-quality customer experience service across China.






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