
    來源: 實況網2023-03-27 17:28:11

    Enter Petrochemical Industry, Powering Win-Win Cooperation

    ——Milkyway Was Awarded as Shell’ s “Supplier of the year 2022”


    The 2023 Shell (China) Supplier Conference themed “Win-Win Innovation, Powering Progress” was held in Shanghai recently. The General Manager of Global Sourcing Department Ms. Xiaomei XIAN, the General Manager of China Marketing Department Ms. Xinying CHEN, the General Manager of China Supply Chain Department Mr. Xiaojun LI and the General Manager of China Finance Department Ms. Haiyu GU separately shared the strategic goals and direction of Shell (China) in 2023 and conducted an in-depth discussion about sustainable opportunities and challenges with all present supplier partners. The Chairman of Milkyway Mr. Andy Chen and the GR of Northern China Area Mr. Chengliang YIN attended the conference on behalf of Milkyway.


    During the conference, Milkyway was awarded as the “Supplier of the year 2022” at the 2022 Supplier Award Ceremony. As a strategic supplier partner of Shell, Milkyway always adheres to the service concept of “customer-centric” and steadily develops its business in the petrochemical industry. Together with Shell, Milkyway roots in the industry service and pursues mutual benefits. This award will encourage Milkyway to keep focusing on upgrading the quality, safety and service and further to promote bilateral cooperation to a broader and more profound level. Milkyway will contribute to sustainable development and green logistics together with Shell in the future.






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