
    來源: 實況網(wǎng)2023-03-24 10:32:53

    Be Together Along the Way—Milkyway was Reawarded as "ARKEMA Strategic Supplier of the Year"

    近日,以“綠色物流 安全智行”為主題的ARKEMA中國物流應急響應聯(lián)盟啟動儀式暨2023年度供應商會議在上海登召開,密爾克衛(wèi)董事長陳銀河、副總裁華毅等代表公司應邀出席會議。

    The ARKEMA China Logistics Emergency Response Alliance Launch Ceremony and 2023 Annual Supplier Meeting themed “Green Logistics, Safe and Intelligent Travel” was held in Shanghai recently. On behalf of Milkyway, Chairman Yinhe CHEN, Vice President Yi HUA, and other company representatives attended the meeting.



    During the meeting, Milkyway was awarded as the “2022 ARKEMA China Logistics Strategic Supplier” at the 2022 Annual Strategic Supplier Award Ceremony. Milkyway has won this award for three consecutive years.


    Milkyway adheres to the safer and more efficient operation of chemical supply chain. With professional teams, scientific systems and a sound network, we are able to provide our customers with global one-stop logistics and trading services for the whole supply chain.


    ARKAMA is the first foreign strategic supplier partner after the establishment of Milkyway. For years, we have been walking together all the way, pursuing mutual benefits and good achievements. In the meantime, the award also encourages Milkyway to keep focusing on quality and service upgrades, be customer demand-oriented, improve customer experience, and further promote the cooperation between the two sides to a wider field and deeper level. Thanks to ARKAMA all the way!



    Honor is a responsibility and there is an increasing duty behind the shining glory. Milkyway appreciates the recognition of ARKEMA which is not only for Milkyway group but also a driving force for us to provide higher-standard services, strive for excellence and continue struggle for a more efficient chemical supply chain.






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