TED演講者:JR / JR
演講標題:Why art is a tool for hope / 為什么藝術是帶來希望的工具
內容概要:Famed for enormous black-and-white portraits that are pasted on surfaces ranging from the Louvre to the US-Mexico border wall, multimedia artist JR continues to tackle ambitious projects. In this powerfully moving talk, he shares how he made a giant mural on the courtyard floor of a maximum-security prison -- with the help of guards and prisoners alike -- and ended up with much more than a compelling image.
成名于巨型黑白畫像,貼在從盧浮宮到美墨邊境,多媒體藝術家 JR 繼續進行雄心勃勃的項目。在這個有力的感人演講中,他分享了他是怎么在一所高強度安全監獄的院子里——在囚犯和警衛的幫助下——做了一個巨大的貼畫,而且最終得到的不僅僅是一個引人注目的圖片。
【1】Wow, wow, people.
【2】You know, actually, I love people because my work is about people.
你知道嗎,其實,我喜歡人們, 因為我的工作就是關于大家的,
【3】It's actually about bringing people together.
【4】I'm an artist.
【5】I mean, until I found a real job, but now it looks like it's getting pretty serious.
我是說,在我找到正式工作前, 但現在看來 我這份事業好像越來越像樣了。
【6】But, you know, I also love walls.
【7】And I know that walls are supposed to divide us, but I think I've found a way to use walls to bring us together.
我知道墻壁原本是 為了將我們分開而存在, 但我想我找到了一個方法 去用墻壁來讓我們走到一起。
【8】And I've tried this in different places.
【9】This was in Israel, Palestine, 15 years ago, where, with my friend Marco, I took photos of Israeli and Palestinian doing the same job and then pasted them on Israeli city and Palestinian city, and people couldn't even recognize who is who.
這堵墻位于以色列, 巴勒斯坦,15年前, 在那里,與我的朋友馬可一起, 我拍下了以色列和巴勒斯坦人 在做同樣的工作, 而后將這些照片張貼在 以色列和巴勒斯坦的城市里, 人們根本分別不出彼此的身份。
【10】This was in the favelas of Brazil.
【11】Faces of women on the hills of the community.
一張張女性的面孔 在社區的山坡上清晰可見。
【12】Often the first target of the violence that is happening there.
她們往往是那里發生 暴力事件的首要目標。
【13】This is a local museum we have in Paris, it's called the Louvre.
這是巴黎當地的博物館, 它叫盧浮宮。
【14】I don't know if you've heard about it, but I thought I'd give it a shout out.
我不知道各位有沒有聽說過, 但我覺得我得再宣傳下。
【15】And with 400 people and paper and glue, we wheat-pasted the entire plazas to make the pyramid ten times bigger.
與四百人一起用紙和膠水, 我們將整個廣場貼了起來, 讓那個金字塔看起來大了十倍。
【16】This was at the border between Mexico and US.
【17】Thank you.
【18】Kikito, the little kid, is one year old, and he lives in the little house you see on the top left of the image.
基基托,這個孩子,一歲大, 他住在圖片左上方的那個小房子里。
【19】I just wonder, at his age, what is his perspective on the wall?
我在想,以他年齡的視角 是怎么看這堵墻的?
【20】You know, each time I do a project, I wonder: Can art change the world?
你們知道嗎,每次我做一個項目, 我都在想:藝術可以改變世界嗎?
【21】And I never really know how a projects starts.
而且我從來不知道 一個項目是怎么開始的。
【22】Couple years ago, I was making breakfast and a friend of mine called me.
幾年前,我在做早飯, 一個朋友給我打了電話。
【23】Friend Saul, he says, "JR, you love walls.
我的朋友索羅, 他說:“JR,你喜歡墻。
【24】Why don't you do a project in prison?"
【25】I was like, you know, I was just, "Dude, you know, I would do it, but it's too much paperwork administrative, bureaucracy.
我是這樣的, “伙計,你知道的,我會去做, 但是太多文書工作, 關于行政和政府。
【26】Plus, I've been arrested 15 times, they don't want me in there."
還有,我已經被捕 15 次了, 他們不會讓我進去的?!?/p>
【27】And he was like, "I know, bro, but you love walls so much, what you would do in there.
而后他說:“我知道,伙計, 但你那么喜歡墻, 你在里面會做什么呢。
【28】If you could do it, what could you do?"
假如說你可以去做, 你會做些什么呢?”
【29】I was like, "OK, you know what?"
【30】I had an idea.
【31】If I wanted to finish my poached eggs and my, you know, French toast before it gets cold, I had to get rid of him.
如果我想在我的荷包蛋 和法式吐司冷掉前,吃完它們, 我一定得把我這位朋友打發了。
【32】So I told him, "You know what, I'll paste the entire prison."
所以我告訴他:“你想知道嗎, 我要將整個監獄貼滿?!?/p>
【33】He was like, "Wow, that's amazing."
【34】He hung up the phone, I thought I'd never hear from him for two decades.
他掛了電話, 我想當然 他二十年都不會聯系我了。
【35】He called his friend Scott, who was like, "What's up?"
他打電話給他的朋友斯科特, “怎么了?”
【36】Saul is like, "I spoke to JR, he's down to do a project in prison."
索羅說:“我和 JR 說過了, 他同意去監獄做一個項目?!?/p>
【37】Scott's like, "That's amazing, let me call the governor."
斯科特說:“太棒了, 讓我給州長打個電話。”
【38】Hung up the phone, called the governor.
【39】Governor was like, "Who's this JR?"
州長這么說的:“JR 是誰?”
【40】'"He does black and white, and, you know, he takes photos of people, he records their story ..."
“他做黑白藝術, 還有,你知道的,他給別人照相, 他記錄他們的故事......”
【41】'"I'm sorry, I've never heard of it."
【42】'"Yes, there's very large murals."
【43】And the governor was like, "Wait, wait, wait.
【44】Before I was the governor, I was in a mural.
在我當州長前, 我在一個壁畫里。
【45】There were 1,300 people, each one of them recorded their story, and I was one of them.
那里有 1300 人, 每個人都記錄下了 他們的故事,我就是其中一員。
【46】Is that the same artist?"
【47】The guy said, "Yes, that's the same artist."
那個人就說:“是的, 就是同一個藝術家?!?/p>
【48】'"Give him full clearance for every prison in the state of California."
”給他加利福尼亞州 所有監獄的完全許可。”
【49】Calls me back.
【50】Next thing you know, I'm on Google Earth, and there's 35 prisons.
下一件事,我在谷歌地球上, 而后那有35個監獄。
【51】I'm looking at them and I'm like, well, first of all, I'm a wallpaper man.
我在開它們然后我在想 好吧,首先,我是一個貼墻紙的人。
【52】I cannot paste if I don't have my clear surface.
我不能貼,如果沒有找到 一個干凈的表面。
【53】So that doesn't work, that doesn't work, that doesn't work.
所以這個不行, 這個不行,這個不行。
【54】The yard is made of sand and grass.
【55】I cannot do it.
【56】I know nothing about prisons.
【57】So then I see this one and I'm like, "Wait, can we zoom in this one?"
所以當我看到這個監獄時我說, “等等,我們可以把這個放大嗎?”
【58】I'm like, "Oh, actually, you know what?
【59】The yard here in the center looks like it's concrete.
這個在中間的院子 看起來像水泥。
【60】I could work on that."
【61】'"Look, JR, that's a supermax security prison."
聽著,JR, 那是一個高級警戒的監獄。
【62】It's called Tehachapi, it's actually in the top five of the most violent prisons.
稱作特哈查比(Tehachapi), 它其實全美第五危險的監獄。
【63】I was like, "That will do it."
【64】The next day, we flew there.
【65】We arrived there, and of course, you know, it's not that easy to get there.
我們到了那里, 而且,當然,你知道的, 進去不簡單。
【66】It's like fences, electric fences, walls.
【67】And you add more walls and more people that check your IDs.
而后你加上更多的墻 和更多檢查你證件的人。
【68】I get all the way to the yard.
【69】And it looked like some army guy with bulletproof jackets and heavily armed who say, "Alright, this is going to be very simple.
而后看起來是一個軍人 全副武裝和穿著防彈夾克。 他說,“好的,這事很簡單。
【70】There's some people waiting for you in a gymnasium.
【71】We gathered some inmates.
【72】You cannot approach them, you cannot touch them.
你不可以靠近他們, 你不可以觸碰他們。
【73】You can sit at the chair that we designed for you, and we're going to surround the area of the gymnasium."
你可以坐在我們 給你指定的椅子上, 而后我們會包圍整個體育館?!?/p>
【74】That sounds fun.
【75】I enter the room, and we do this thing in France, I don't know if you have that, but you shake people's hand, you know?
我進入房間, 然后我們在法國做這件事, 我不知道你們有沒有, 但你和別人握手,知道嗎?
【76】So I started shaking people's hands, "Hello, how are you? My name is JR.
所以我開始和別人握手, “嗨,你好嗎?我叫 JR 。
【77】What's your name?"
【78】And go around the table, and then I sat.
【79】And I spoke with them.
【80】A lot of them have been there since they were teenagers, some of them even from the age of 13.
他們有很多人 從少年時代就在里面了, 有些 13 歲就進來了。
【81】And I've never seen anything like it.
【82】And so I told them about my art and about the idea.
所以我向他們 介紹了我的藝術和想法,
【83】And they asked me a question, they said, "But what is the purpose of your art?"
然后他們問了我一個問題: “但你的藝術有什么意義嗎?”
【84】Well, you know, that's a good question.
【85】I don't know if I can answer before, you know, trying a project.
我不知道我是否能在嘗試 這個項目之前就給你答案,
【86】So I explained them an idea, and I said, "Wait, before we start anything, I just want you to know, if there's anyone here in this room that by being in this project, you might offend some of your victims outside,
所以我給他們解釋了想法,我說, “等下,在我們開始之前, 我想你們知道, 如果這個房間里有任何人, 在做這個項目的時候, 會冒犯到你的受害者,
【87】I'm not your guy.
【88】I'm going to get too much attention for you.
【89】If I were you, don't participate in this project."
如果我是你, 我不會參加這個項目。”
【90】Six or seven guys stood up and left the room.
六七個人站了起來, 然后離開了房間。
【91】I was like, "Alright."
【92】So we kept on going and I started photographing them.
然后我們繼續進行, 我開始給他們照相。
【93】Very simple, it's just a small part of the process.
很簡單,這只是過程中 很小的一部分。
【94】I'm not really a photographer.
【95】That's just one part that I use, and I get to meet them and talk with them.
那只是我藝術的一部分, 而且我能見到他們并與他們說話。
【96】And each of them started explaining me their story, where they grew up, where they come from, how many years, some of them spent decades in this prison.
然后他們每個人都開始 向我解釋他們的故事。 他們在哪里長大的, 他們是從哪里來的, 在這個監獄里呆了多少年, 有的人呆了好幾十年。
【97】And the thing is that, I told them, I said, "Look, this photo is nothing.
事情是這樣的, 我告訴他們,我說, “其實,這個照片不代表什么。
【98】I need you to go in the next room.
【99】I'm going to leave a mic there.
【100】And I want you to record your story from the beginning.
然后我希望 你從頭錄下你的故事。”
【101】I want to understand, you have to talk like, if you're throwing a bottle in the ocean, I want to understand where you come from.
我想要了解, 你必須像, 往海里丟一個漂流瓶一樣, 我想要了解你是從哪來的。
【102】And then what brought you to make that crime that led you to prison.
而后什么導致你犯了罪, 結果導致你進了監獄。
【103】And if you changed, explain how you changed and why."
然后如果你有所改變, 解釋你怎么改變的和為什么。”
【104】They all went, some stayed for 10 minutes, some stayed for 20, 30 minutes.
他們都講了,有的呆了十分鐘, 有的呆了20、30分鐘。
【105】Some of them were crying in that place.
【106】Then I went back to my studio and that's what we do.
然后我回到了我的工作室, 然后我們是這么做的。
【107】We print strips of paper like a giant puzzle, so we have to combine it together.
我們打印出長條的紙, 像一個巨大的拼圖, 所以我們要把它們拼到一起。
【108】It's all just paper and glue.
【109】And then we combine them by numbers, and then we went back there.
然后我們用數字把他們組合到一起, 然后我們回到了那里。
【110】And we started bringing everybody in the yard.
【111】And we started pasting.
【112】Everyone from every gang, every race, participated.
所有人從每個幫派, 每個種族,都參加了。
【113】Now, the thing is, we're still in a supermax security prison.
現在,事情是這樣的, 我們還是在一個高度警戒的監獄。
【114】So the guards were like, "Look, we love you with your paper and stuff, but we're going to count everything you brought in, and we're going to make sure you leave with everything out.
所以那些守衛說, “聽著,我們喜歡你, 還有你的紙啊什么的, 但你帶來在這么多東西 要把我們逼瘋了, 我們得保證你走的時候, 把所有的東西都帶出去。
【115】So every hour we're going to stop this whole project and make sure there's not one scissors missing, one brush, one, you know, bucket, anything."
所以每個小時,我們會暫停整個項目 來確保沒有任何一個剪刀失蹤, 任何一個刷子,你知道的, 一個桶,所有的東西。”
【116】So we went through the process, and I had planned two to three days to paste the whole thing.
我們繼續這個過程, 我計劃用兩到三天時間 來貼整個東西。
【117】Those guys were so motivated, that in literally two or three hours we had done it.
這些人十分有動力, 在只有兩到三個小時, 他們就干完了。
【118】So I said, "Wait, stop, guys, they're going to bring you back to your cell, give me a second.
所以我說,:“大家等等,停下, 他們會把你們帶回牢房, 給我一秒。
【119】I'm going to try to get some guards to paste with us."
【120】And they were like, look, "We love utopianism and stuff, but that's where it stops."
然后他們說, 我們喜歡烏托邦主義, 但到此為止吧?!?/p>
【121】'"No, just give me a second."
【122】So I start going to the guards and I say, "Hey, do you mind participating?"
所以我往守衛那里走,然后我說 “嗨,你們介意參加嗎?”
【123】Fifty "no," one guy said "yes."
【124】I say, "Cool, come with me.
【125】They're going to show you."
【126】And then another guard and another guard.
【127】And that's where the real walls were falling down, because there's no communication between those guards and the inmates.
然后那一刻真正的墻開始瓦解, 因為在警衛和囚犯間沒有交流。
【128】And you know what?
【129】From the floor, it was so big we couldn't see it anyway.
在地上,它太大了, 我們根本看不見,
【130】You had to send a drone.
【131】So remember, again, you're in a supermax security prison.
而且記住, 我們還在一個高度警戒監獄,
【132】It's geofencing.
【133】So we send in the drone, those guys have never seen a drone their whole life, they were more excited about the drone than the whole project.
所以我們送出了無人機, 這些家伙醫生中都沒有見過無人機, 比起整個項目他們對無人機更激動。
【134】And I was so scared because I was like, "I hope we did the puzzle right.
而且我很害怕因為, 我希望我們拼對了拼圖,
【135】Because if not, it's going to look a bit ugly from up there."
因為如果沒有的話, 從上面看會有些難看。
【136】And that's what you see from up there.
【137】Thank you.
【138】The whole yard, all their faces.
【139】And when you zoom in, actually, you see the picnic table, you can still see, it looks like a hole, but it's actually an illusion.
當年放大時,其實, 你可以看見野餐桌子。 你還看得見,他看起來像一個洞, 但它其實是一個錯覺,
【140】And you see the guys walking on it.
【141】Now, the craziest part of all of it is because of that crazy permit that I had, I literally walked in without being searched.
最瘋狂的事情是 因為我有這個瘋狂的許可, 我要看直接走進去而不必被搜查。
【142】I had my phone on me.
【143】So I started filming in there and posting it on social media.
所以我開始錄像 然后把它們放到社交媒體上,
【144】So this guy there was showing me his tattoo on day one.
這個人從第一天起 就向我展示了他的紋身。
【145】And then the evening, he called his family and they said, "We saw you on JR's Instagram.
然后那天晚上,他給他家里打電話, 而后他的家人說, “我們 JR 的 Instagram 上看到你了。
【146】It's incredible, we see what you guys are doing."
太不可思議了, 我們看到你們在做什么?!?/p>
【147】He was so proud the next day he said, "JR, do you mind me showing my diplomas?"
他很自豪,第二天他說, “JR ,你介意 展示一下我的畢業證書嗎?”
【148】They started realizing the impact of suddenly having a connection with the outside.
他們忽然開始意識到 他們能與外界 產生聯系。
【149】Then this guy showed up.
【150】His name is Kevin.
【151】You know, when I saw him, I was like, "Whoa."
你知道嗎,當我看都他的時候 我在想,“天啊?!?/p>
【152】In my life, I'll never have a second chance to ask a guy, hopefully, why he has a fucking swastika on his face.
在我的一生里,我希望我不會有 第二次機會去問一個人, 為什么他的臉上有一個納粹標志。
【153】And so I ask him, and he was like, "Oh, this?"
然后我問他, 然后他說,“哦,這個?”,
【154】Almost like he forgot about it.
【155】He was like, "I did this as a gang thing when I went in prison.
他說:“當我剛進監獄時, 我加入一個幫派紋的。
【156】But now, if I could, I would remove it."
但現在,如果我可以, 我想把它去掉?!?/p>
【157】I was like, "OK, do you mind if I take a photo and I share it?"
我說:“好的,你介意 我照張照片然后分享一下嗎?”
【158】He's like, "Yeah, sure."
【159】I share that photo.
【160】Now, as you can imagine, on social media, a lot of people were as shocked and offended as I was.
當然,你可以想象,在社交媒體, 很多人像我一樣很震驚 和被冒犯到。
【161】But a lot of people were like, "That's strange, because that doesn't connect with the beauty in his eyes and the humanity in him."
但有很多人會說:“很奇怪, 因為他的紋身 配不上他眼中的美好, 和他的人性?!?/p>
【162】So I went back to him and I said, "Look, Kevin, there's this thing called social media.
所以我回到他那 然后我說:“聽著,凱文, 有這個東西叫社交媒體。
【163】I know you've been here too long and you don't know about this, but people are writing comments, I'm going to read them to you.
我知道你在監獄了太長時間 你不知道這個, 但是很多人給我寫評論,我把它們都讀給你。
【164】And I think some of them you should answer.
【165】So we started talking, and I did many and many videos and asking him again and again, and he responded and he went deeper and deeper.
所以我們開始交談, 而且我拍了很多視頻, 然后問了他一遍又一遍, 然后他回答了, 而且他說得越來越深入。
【166】And it started a chain of people who were like, "Let's get this tattoo out of his face."
然后有一連串的人開始說: “讓我們把他臉上的紋身去掉。”
【167】So now before we revealed the image that you saw, I didn't want to throw it to the world like that.
現在,在我們展示照片前, 我不想把它像這樣放到世界里。
【168】For now, only the inmates and I have seen it.
【169】We started an app where you can actually go in, it's totally free, and you can go and click on any face and hear their story for as much as they want.
我們做了一個 APP,你可以登進去, 它是完全免費的, 而且你可以點擊 任何一張臉來聽他們的故事, 想聽多少都可以。
【170】I wonder, you know, I've seen it.
【171】I saw people telling me that they heard story, and like a podcast.
我看到很多人告訴我, 他們聽過故事,像一個廣播電臺。
【172】But I wonder, how would they feel about it?
【173】You know, I wanted the feedback from them.
【174】So I got a permit to go back into prison.
【175】And this time I said, let me work on some more walls, I'll find an idea.
這次我說,讓我再在墻上做些工作, 我會找到一個點子。
【176】So I go back in there and I started working on the walls, but it was really, the excuse was like, I need to speak to you guys.
所以我回到那里 然后我開始在墻上做工作, 但實際上,這是個借口, 我需要跟那些人說話。
【177】So I said, "What happened, guys?"
【178】They were like, "Well, what do you mean, what happened?"
【179】I was like, "I was on the outside, I couldn't speak to you guys.
【180】What was the impact inside?"
【181】'"Oh, the impact inside is pretty simple.
【182】Let me tell you for myself, I mean, my daughter never visited me in 14 years.
讓我講一下我自己, 我女兒十四年來從來沒有見過我。
【183】And now she sat in her bedroom, and she listened to my audio, and now she sees me every week."
然后現在她坐在她的臥室, 而且在聽我的音頻。 現在她每周來看我?!?/p>
【184】He says, "You can ask whoever you want of those guys here, and they'll tell you the same story."
他說,:“你可以問 任何一個你想問的人, 然后他們都會告訴你同樣的故事?!?/p>
【185】And he told me another thing happened.
【186】'"Is that the guards started listening to our stories.
【187】They treat us differently now."
【188】Then we started seeing the walls falling down.
【189】So I left a little souvenir in the courtyard.
所以我留下了一個 小小的紀念品。
【190】I was like, "Let me make one more wall disappear before I go."
我說:“讓我在走之前 再讓一堵墻消失?!?/p>
【191】So we pasted the mountains from behind the wall on the wall.
【192】And it's still there, actually.
【193】This one is still in level four, which is the supermax security prison.
這還是在那個級別四, 就是一個高級警戒的監獄。
【194】And they told me in winter it becomes all snowy.
【195】And so you actually don't tell the difference between the reality and the wall.
所以你看不出 墻和現實的差別。
【196】Now, Kevin was still in prison, so I visited him again.
現在,凱文還在監獄里, 所以我又去拜訪他。
【197】And something had changed in him.
【198】He was already helping others, and, you know, you could tell that he almost had forgotten about his tattoo, even if it was still there, because you cannot remove tattoos in prison.
他總是在幫助其他人, 而且,你知道,你可以看得出, 他基本已經忘了他的紋身, 盡管它還在那, 因為在監獄里不能去掉紋身。
【199】So I bought him a book, and I told him, "Look, there's a swastika on the cover, I thought you would like it."
所以我給他買了一本書, 然后我告訴他: “看這上面有納粹標志, 我認為你會喜歡它。”
【200】And he laughed.
【201】But I said, "No, seriously, this is our friend, Art Spiegelman, who wrote it, and he told the story about his family in the Holocaust."
但我說:“不,真的, 這個我的朋友, 阿特.斯皮格曼 (Art Spiegelman)寫的, 他講了他和他的家庭在 大屠殺中的故事?!?/p>
【202】And so that night he went and read the book.
【203】And he was really moved.
【204】He called his mom and he said, "Mom, those French people brought me this book that talks about the Holocaust."
他給他的母親打了電話,說, “媽媽,那些法國人給我買了本書, 講述大屠殺的?!?/p>
【205】And she said, "But you stupid moron.
【206】Your family was from Poland.
【207】They were hiding Jews.
【208】They died in Auschwitz because of protecting them.
【209】And you go in prison and do this on your face?"
然后你進了監獄, 還在你的臉上紋了這個?”
【210】He was in shock.
【211】Couple years later, which is a couple months ago, he came out.
幾年后,也就是幾個月前, 他出獄了。
【212】Like many others from the project, almost all of them got moved to a lower-security prison, and one third of them got freed because of having good grades and notes by the guards after the project.
像其他做這個項目的人, 幾乎所有人都被換到 低警戒的監獄, 他們中三分之一都出獄了, 因為他們表現良好, 還有警衛在做完項目后 給予的評價。
【213】So Kevin went out, and the first thing he did was to go up that hill that he looked at for 17 years, to look down at the prison that he was staying in.
所以凱文出來了, 然后他做的第一件事情 就是爬到他看了 17 年的山上, 來看他呆的監獄。
【214】And then the second thing, as I promised him, I took him to a doctor to remove his tattoo.
然后第二件事,我答應他的, 我帶他去了一個醫生 去去除他的紋身。
【215】And the session started with the laser, and it's very painful.
開始的時候用的激光, 而且很痛苦。
【216】And at the end of it, the doctor removed the laser and she told him, "Well, who's better than a Jewish doctor to remove your swastika?"
在結束的時候,醫生拿開了 激光然后說, “還有誰比一個猶太醫生更好 來清除你的納粹標志呢?”
【217】And that's him now.
【218】You know, we really tried to bring him here.
【219】But his parole officer, who is actually really nice, he said "JR, you're pushing too much.
但是他的假釋官,一個很好的人, 他說,“JR,你做得夠多了。
【220】He's not going to Canada.
【221】Sorry about this."
【222】But he knows I'm here talking about it.
【223】You know, I want to use art as a bridge to make people talk to each other.
你知道,我想用藝術作為橋廊 去讓大家一起交流。
【224】I'm not an activist, I'm just an artist.
我不是一個積極分子, 我只是一個藝術家。
【225】I don't try to tell people what to think.
【226】I just try to make them think.
【227】And I really see art, to me, it's like, it's in the process.
而且我看藝術, 對于我而言,它是存在于過程之中。
【228】That's what's important.
【229】And after this whole project, after everything I showed you, what shook them, what struck them the most, is that I shook their hand.
在整個項目后, 在我展示給你們的所以東西后, 最讓他們驚訝的, 讓他們牢牢記住的, 是我握了他們的手。
【230】So at the end, they even asked me for a hug.
所以到最后,他們甚至 問我要一個擁抱。
【231】Now I remember their first question, which was: What is the purpose of your art?
現在我想起了 他們問我的第一個問題: 你的藝術有什么意義?
【232】Well, art can change things, but can it change the world?
藝術可以改變很多東西, 但它可以改變世界嗎?
【233】Or can it change a man?
【234】Before you answer that question, think, at some point in your life, have you changed?
在你回答之前, 想一想,在你一生間, 你改變過嗎?
【235】And if yes, if you did, why can't they?
如果你的答案是肯定, 如果你改變了, 那么為什么他們不行呢?
【236】Thank you.
【237】Helen Walters: That's amazing, you're amazing.
海倫.沃爾特(Helen Walters): 這真棒,你真棒。
【238】You also just got back from Ukraine, and I wanted to show us just another piece of your work.
你還剛從烏克蘭回來, 然后我想展示一下你的另一個作品。
【239】JR: Oh yeah, that was in Ukraine.
【240】The biggest city in the west side of Ukraine is called Lviv.
【241】And a friend of mine took that photo at the border, he sent it to me, I printed it 150 feet long.
我的一個朋友在邊界 照了一張照片, 他把它發給我了, 我把它打出來 150 英尺。
【242】We rolled it as a tarp, walked through the border with it.
我們把它卷了起來, 然后走過了邊境。
【243】It's actually easy to go that way, you know, to enter Ukraine.
其實過去很簡單, 你知道,進到烏克蘭。
【244】So they were like, "Oh, you're going to go this way? Sure."
他們就是這樣的: “噢,你要往這邊走?好的?!?/p>
【245】And then we drove to, you know, I met some people on Instagram, and they came and picked me up in their car.
然后我們開到,你知道, 我在 Instagram 上見到了一些人。 然后他們來 用他們的車來接我,
【246】And then we gathered hundreds of people.
【247】We wanted to show Putin's planes who they were shooting out.
我們想向普京的飛機展示 他們在瞄準誰。
【248】That little girl is actually safe.
【249】When she got photographed, she was coming out of the country.
【250】So she's now in Warsaw, and she's OK.
【251】And since then, actually, we're moving this image all around Europe.
從那時開始,其實, 我們將整個圖片帶到歐洲各地。
【252】So while TED was happening in the last four days, the image was in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Venice this morning.
所以在 TED 進行時, 在過去四天里, 這個圖片在柏林、杜塞爾多夫, 這個早上在威尼斯。
【253】And then it will keep traveling and each time, each place, people are gathering by themselves and opening it up.
而且它會繼續旅行, 然后每時每刻,每個地方, 大家會主動聚集,然后將它展開。
【254】HW: That is amazing, JR, thank you.
【255】JR: Thank you.
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