物種反應性:Human respiratory syncytial virus A (strain A2)
存儲緩沖區: PBS, pH .
濃度:1 mg/ml
純度:>95% by SDS-PAGE.
應用:Research Grade Biosimilar
儲存:Use a manual defrost freezer and avoid repeated freeze-thaw at +4°C short term (1-2 weeks).Store at -20 °C 12 months. Store at -80°C long term.
F4/80 as a Major Macrophage Marker: The Case of the Peritoneum and Spleen. PMID: 28455709F4/80: the macrophage-specific adhesion-GPCR and its role in immunoregulation. PMID: 21618834F4/80 and the related adhesion-GPCRs. PMID: 21952799The F4 fimbrial antigen of Escherichia coli and its receptors. PMID: 10703706Receptor for the F4 fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). PMID: 25967654Methodology and application of Escherichia coli F4 and F18 encoding infection models in post-weaning pigs. PMID: 31210932F4-TCNQ on Epitaxial Bi-Layer Graphene: Concentration- and Orientation-Dependent Charge Transfer at the Interface. PMID: 36512752F4, a collagen XIX-derived peptide, inhibits tumor angiogenesis through αvβ3 and α5β1 integrin interaction. PMID: 34308743A macrophage-endothelial immunoregulatory axis ameliorates septic acute kidney injury. PMID: 36334787分別構建攜帶RSV-B1株F基因截短片段和全長的重組腺病毒rAd-F0DeltaTM和rAd-F0。在BALB/c小鼠中進行的免疫原性比較研究表明,每種載體均能誘導產生與RSV-long和RSV-A2病毒交叉反應的rsv - b1特異性抗體。抗rsv - b1抗體具有中和活性,對rsv -長株和RSV-A2分離株也具有較強的交叉中和活性。細胞免疫反應分析顯示,rAd-F0DeltaTM和rAd-F0均能誘導Th1和Th2表型的CD4(+) t細胞應答和F蛋白特異性ctl。rAd-F0DeltaTM和rAd-F0免疫小鼠脾細胞產生的Th2細胞因子(IL-4、IL-5和IL-13)明顯低于熱滅活RSV-B1 (hirv - b1)免疫小鼠。總體體液和細胞免疫應答的比較表明,rAd-F0DeltaTM較rAd-F0具有更強的免疫原性。與接種hirv - b1的小鼠相比,兩種重組腺病毒載體產生的抗病毒免疫對RSV-B1活病毒攻擊產生了保護作用,原因是肺內恢復的病毒載量較低,體重減輕的恢復速度較快,嗜酸性粒細胞計數較低。這些研究結果表明,rAd-F0DeltaTM或rAd-F0具有符合RSV候選疫苗預期要求的免疫原性。
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