
    來源: 面包芯語2023-08-25 16:32:08


    NEPCON VIETNAM 2023 focuses on the innovative concept of “Emerging Trends In Electronics - The Future Of Global Supply Chains". The exhibition will bring together 300 brands and companies to showcase - SMT, Testing Technologies, Equipment, Supporting Industries, Intelligent Manufacturing and other relevant areas will also be exhibited.

    Ameya Holding Limitedas a leading multi-channel and excellent service distributor, market and distributes a comprehensive range of products and services.

    Serving thousands of customers worldwide, we"ve got many suppliers, partners and over 1.000.000 electronic components in stock.

    Date:9/6/2023 - 9/8/2023

    Address:Hanoi International Center for Exhibition

    AMEYA360 booth number:P01 Booth

    Contact information:

    BK Lau :+6012 4083435

    Calvin Keoh:+6017 4720840

    September6 - 8, 2023

    The Ameya360 booth is located at:P01

    International Center for Exhibition (I.C.E),Hanoi


    Looking forward to your visit!





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