Good morning, professors. My name is XXX. I am glad to be here for this interview. I graduated from XXX University in 2009, majoring in XXX(專業名稱).
Since July, 2009, I stared to work as a salesperson in XXX company. I had been working really hard, so that I became the top salesperson that year, and I was promoted to be the Sales Supervisor the next year. I was responsible for the team management, new market exploring, implementation of the promotion, and the monthly sales target. For the excellent work my team had done, we won the sales champion of the year, and I was promoted to be the Marketing Manager.
I am a reliable and responsible person. When I am assigned a task, I will put all myself into it in order to achieve the goal, no matter what difficulty there is. I am always positive and active. I would make a proper plan for every single job beforehand accordingly. I am a good team worker. I can find and make a good use of every team member’s talent. Additionally, I am interested in basketball. I usually play basketball with my friends every two weeks. I am also crazy for photography. I have got two awards recently.
As for my career path, I have 3 things on my list. First, I will contribute myself to the study of the management science in the next two years. Second, I will put the knowledge into practice, so that I would find a proper working method. This will helps me get improved in managing. Lastly, I am going to start my own business in management consulting 5 years later.
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